Research & development at Pascoe Naturmedizin
Rapid growth in knowledge constantly brings new insights
Knowledge about the healing power of nature has grown continuously in recent years and decades. Every day, hundreds of researchers around the world try to reveal nature’s secrets and understand effective ingredients down to the molecular level. New active ingredients are constantly being tested and decoded. Technical progress is opening up increasingly fascinating opportunities for scientists to solve the riddles that Mother Nature has thrown at them. As a result, countless technical articles appear month after month. This is where Pascoe Naturmedizin keeps its finger on the pulse for you: meticulous research keeps our knowledge up to date – we know the latest study designs, the most informative international projects, and the most promising study results from the field of naturopathy. And all of these findings are incorporated into our products for the benefit of your health.

More than 60 years of research
In 1961, we set up our own research department so that we, as a natural medicine manufacturer, could also develop and implement scientific findings ourselves. In our study projects, we work closely with recognized experts from science and practice within the framework of university cooperation. The legal and technical requirements for studies on herbal medicines, for example, are the same on the part of the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) as for chemical medicines.
Focus on efficacy, safety and tolerability
Our research interests are wide-ranging. Are there indications and fields of use that are not yet known? If so, which mechanisms of action are relevant? We remain curious and innovative, even when it comes to drugs that have already been approved. Of course, comparisons are also exciting: do herbal medicines work just as quickly as chemically synthesized ones? How do they perform in terms of side effects? The safety of our remedies is of great importance and therefore always an important field of research: how do we best ensure user safety, what are the interactions between drugs, and how can they best be avoided?
Since Pascoe research has been established, a considerable number of clinical and non-clinical studies have been conducted.
More than 50 scientific publications
We share our knowledge and many years of experience with the whole world: the results of all our studies have led to more than 50 scientific publications, which have been published in national and international journals. We also present our research results at congresses around the globe, for example in the USA, Great Britain or Austria.
More than 125 years of experience and over 60 years of proprietary research: your health is our passion!